Page 12 | Steiner Stamp Pages – Sweden1970 Album
Picked up a nice little lot from Sweden at a stamp show I attended in New Orleans sponsored by the Crescent City Stamp Club. I was able to fill quite a few empty spaces as well as complete a page or two in my Sweden Collection. This completed stamp album page is page #12 from the Sweden1970 album, which contains Swedish stamps from 1961 to 1970. And like the page title says they are from the year 1967.
The Fjeld –
The subject of this issue comes from a painting by Sixten Lundbohm, an early 20th century Swedish painter. What makes this stamp interesting is that it was one of Sweden first definitive issues that featured a landscape instead of a number or portrait of a king. It was printed in strips with vertical perfs on each side and in booklets of 10 stamps to a page which are distinguishable by perfs on 3 sides.
Scott # 719
Lion Fortress, Uppsala Cathedral and Gripsholm Castle
For an increase in parcel post fees the Swedish Post office issued these 3 stamps celebrating 3 national historic sites.
- Lion Fortress, Gothenburg, 3.70k Scott #720
- Uppsala Cathedral, 4.50k Scott #721
- Gripsolm Castle, 7k Scott #722
The World Table Tennis Championships
Also known as “Ping-Pong”, the World Table Tennis Championships were held in Stockholm that year and dominated by the team from Japan.
- 35o – Bright Magenta, Scott #724 (Perf 12½ horizontally)
- 90o – Greenish Blue, Scott #725
- 35o – Bright Magenta, Scott #726 (Perf 12½ on 3 sides).
Finish Settlers in Sweden
A minority of Swedes can trace their roots back to Finnish settlements in Sweden dating back to the 13th century.
- 10o – Scott #731
- 35o – Scott #732