Stamp Collecting may not be as popular as it was years ago, but there are still numerous resources available to Stamp Collectors throughout the Internet. If you know of any not listed, by all means let me know and we’ll get it posted.
Stamp Galleries
- See My Stamps! … Image Hosting for Stamp Collectors! A new site to upload images of and share your stamps.
Stamp Sales
Stamp Collecting Forums
Stamp Collecting and Philatic Resources
- Philatelic Resources
- German Stamps.Net
- The Virtual Stamp Club
- World Stamp Project
-….. An absolutely awesome site on German Stamps and creating your own album pages.
- Stampedia
- American Philatelic Society
- Stamp Finder On-Line
- Stamp Encyclopaedia Poland
- Stamp Colors
- Colnect/Stamps
- A Stamp Identifier
- Old
- Dead Country Stamps and Bank Notes…..extensive resource on dead countries and their postal history.
Stamp Collecting Blogs
- Big Blue 1840-1940….. A true Stamp Collecting Blog. Tons of useful and informative information as well as color pictures.
- Stamp Collecting Blog….. an extremely informative site.
- Filling Spaces …. one collector’s efforts to completely fill his 1840-1940 Scott Blue International Album
Creating a Customized Stamp Album
- Stamp
- Stamp Hacks
- OneOfEach……this is a neat idea. Collect one stamp from each country in the world.
Some Excellent Resources on The Machins
Personal Collections
- Kevin’s Stamp Album….. a computer programer shares his love of Stamp Collecting.
- Dead Country Stamps and Banknotes
- My Virtual Album
- A Stamp Collection