If your a fan of the fabulous mod Stainless Steel and your not familiar with my site Stainless-Steel-mod.com, you might want to check it out.
Stainless Steel is a complete overhaul of the popular PC game Medieval Total War 2. It adds (in my opinion) much more gameplay as well as more factions and more realistic units to the game. My Stainless-Steel-Mod.com site centers on each faction and the units of those various factions as well as mercenary units that are recruit-able throughout the game.
In this map, I’ve recreated the different regions of the British Isles in the game. Keep in mind that these regions are in the Stainless Steel Mod and you may not find then in the original game or in or in other MTW2 mods.
I made this map in an effort to focus on “AOR Units” of the British Isles, or units that can be recruited by any faction that controls the respective regions because the units are considered local and unique to the regions.
My aim is to create similar maps for each region of game for all AOR units that are recruitable.