Here is a powerful passage from Psalms – Chapter 37, verses 3-11. It speaks of trusting in God and resting in the faith that he has a plan for us. It also makes mention of “the wicked” and their prospering. It affirms that the success of the unrighteous is is fleeting and very temporary.
Here are some more memes. I’ve broken up the passage into 4 different images. Just right-click and “Save As” to download them. The ones displayed here are 700px high and 1244px wide. At the end of the post I’ve include links to the same passage but larger. 1920X1080 so you can use it as desktop on your computer.

The same verses but in a desktop-sized format.
Just open the images, right-click then Save As.
And, just in case you’re interested, here i sthe entire passage, Psalm 37: 3-11 in one image you can add as a desktop.